Ubiquiti Support

The platform started out needing UX fixes, the original was designed by developers and often used overly complex developer language and organization, which worked well for superusers, but our new market of prosumer, small business and home users felt alienated by the design, structure and language.

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Product Microsites

These support microsites set a new standard where we provide video walkthroughs, documentation and support articles focused around new product launches. Since launching product microsites our support tickets for newly released products have decreased.


Search driven support

We put our search bar front and center to focus the direction of support around the interaction pattern of a search engine. Then below our search we highlighted some of the most common support topics based on frequency of visit and support tickets.

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Intelligent Search

With over 1200 support articles for hardware and software features, making help accessible was one of our primary objectives.

Support Hero Images

I art directed a series of graphics that were created for Support. We call them hero images, they represent certain features, services or platforms that weren’t represented by a hardware image. Some of them also speak to third party brands that we redesigned in a fun and dynamic way.


Having an effective support helps reduce negative brand experiences and returns on products that cause frustration. We also designed a proprietary analytics tool for our support that creates reports that reveal frustrations and dead ends our users are experiencing, and ensuring we use our support resources effectively. In that way, metrics from support can help influence design.


SCAD Museum of Art App


Cloud Farmers Webstore